Pass the Roach !!!!!!!
Yeah we all knew it would come......yours truly is off this week for a much needed hiatus from racing in lovely Indianapolis ... er...or maybe not so much ..lets just say ....a couple weeks away from Nascar.... anyway it seems as if revenge for the Shawn on Sean tag team is mine ! Score one for me ! The Darlington Darlings were out in full force it seems and there was alot of class (mostly low) to go around. The HiLite I'm told was this little fellow who decided to make Sean's room his own...... I'm impressed with the appearance of Papa Roach, just didn't think he'd be in the Ramada !!! Sorry I missed it. I'm sure the Swampbilly was in his element but the Happy Helmet and Monkey Nite Football might not be used to sleeping in the same room with the locals.

Monkey Shines
Looks like somebody has gotten in touch with his inner Redneck !
Here's a lovely pic of Sean and his jar of 'shine...... In truth it was really great and I enjoyed it as well but it's just nice to see that Nascar drivers are still good for getting the goods out of the hills and into the hillbilly's