Alright so I've been away and have had no time to post, so since there isn't anything I have been witness to this last couple of weeks......... We need a flashback episode of course. So here's a few terms of endearment to make y'all smile, there will be no explanations so if you have to ask... don't
* How's the router?
* Slippery's Upper Decker
* Would you guys like a wheelchair?
* I think a guy's having a heart attack in his room
* Is this how you feel every day?
* Hard to tell if Eric's lying
* Mexican's only come in small and medium
* Hunter is Literally a kid in the Candy store
* Does he speak out of his eye ?
* Just give em the 3
* You don't understand... my point is....
* Drats
* Zoinks
* Only because I couldn't get to my radio fast enough
* That's a million dollar.....
* Did he just pull a bottle of Irish whisky out of his horn?
* Brent back in 4 3 2 1
* Shorn Peacock
*Hauler Parade invades Helmets Personal space