Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Spirt of Cooperation!

Last week it was announced that ESPN and Fox tied for the EMMY in the Technical Team Remote category for their coverage of NASCAR. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too. Here's the cake to prove it!


Here are many members of NASCAR crew sporting the latest in strike ware fashion. Inspired by our own Flashdance Billy.

The Original!!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Scene of the Crime!

One year later in Mexico City...we returned to where the "Fang" was lost. There was a semi-reenactment...followed by a moment of silence. We tried going to the "Lost and Fang" to see if maybe it turned up over that last 365 days....unfortunately...we had no luck.


Even in Mexico....Peacock has a problem with Abe Lincoln.